
Escorta Reviews

Masaj reviews
  added by  Sk... for  Ana Marya on 26 noiembrie 2019

Buna, anuntul mai este valabil?

  added by  Mi... for  Francesca on 06 iunie 2019

1st time with the lady and the feedback is very good!!young lady as the photos look.she welcomes me with smile and she was very polite..sha has a very beutiful face and her body is very tight!her skin is like silk!!she strarts with a sensoual bj!we have sex 2 times and it was exelent..she knows what you want whitout telling her anything!!with many positions!it was like i have sex with my girlfriend,pure gfe!!betwin the sex she is very social with good english..i wiil meet her again for sure! thanks a lot dear!

  added by  Me... for  Ana on 04 iunie 2019

ok. Frumoasa prezentarea domnisoarei. Dar, care sunt serviciile si cat este cadoul ?

  added by  oc... for  Ana on 17 mai 2019

Nu am cuvinte sa exprim calitatea, pur si simplu au fost 2 ore de relaxare, cu calitate maxima, bun simt, respect, imi doream un girl friend experience si am avut parte de mai mult decat daca aveam o relatie. Incearca si nu vei regreta! Respectele mele!!!

  added by  Le... for  Alice on 10 decembrie 2018

Esti extraordinara . 10 Stars !!!!!

  added by  Le... for  izabela on 10 decembrie 2018

Senzational 5 Stars

  added by  da... for  Mistress Lilith on 01 noiembrie 2018

Lovely woman, pity you are so far dear

  added by  Ar... for  Mistress Lilith on 06 octombrie 2018

Amazing and beyond imagination. unforgettable lady and experience

  added by  Ce... for  Mistress Lilith on 24 septembrie 2018 encanto nuestra sesion al aire libre,,,linda mia..

  added by  Fr... for  Mistress Lilith on 14 septembrie 2018

Ich kam aus Bukarest zu sehen, starke prasenz sie ist!

  added by  Se... for  Mistress Lilith on 14 septembrie 2018

Foarte greu sa dau de ea! Am sunat de vreo 5 ori in trei zile,ne-am intalnit apoi. Frate, a meritat. Nu se f>> tipa dar iti f** creierii,io zic ca mai vin.Cand am bani,lol

  added by  Pa... for  Mistress Lilith on 11 septembrie 2018

See you again in October,Mistress!! Amazing experience.

  added by  Cl... for  Mistress Lilith on 20 iunie 2018

Demult asteptam o bunaciune care sa si stie treaba.Bravo,fata!

  added by  Ma... for  Lorena on 26 mai 2018

The best experience I could get in the entire Southern part of Romania, as far as GFE, conversation and overall time spent together. Lovely lady, extremely open minded, a person I would be honored to be a friend with for the rest of my life and a woman I enjoy to share sexual pleasure with. Even if my fantasies are a little bit eXXXtreme for her and I might be a little too big for her, I end up addicted to her company… Thank you, Lorena, for the wonderful time and experience!

  added by  tw... for   on 25 martie 2018

sunt 2 fete tiganci varza,nu isi fac treaba k lumea deloc,te grabesc sa termini,deci nu va recomand sa mergeti,o sa dati banii aiurea

  added by  Cu... for   on 25 martie 2018

Terrible experience. Photos might be real but you can’t make out the large scar on her left arm. Plain face. The ad promises „GFE”- but she was the opposite. No kissing. Just laying there the whole time. Paranoid about the condom slipping off. All business, no conversation or anything. Wouldn’t relax. The attitude problem ruins it for me- makes it hard to keep an erection or ejaculate but I tried anyway. She was rushing and after 30 minutes she was ready to leave. Ad says 150 RON for 30 minutes. But she wanted me to pay 300. She also wanted me to pay 150 for the taxi. The CIM advertised is also a lie. Total rip off. I ended up paying 400 for pussy that was not worth 100. She has a decent body and could be okay at her job if she tried and didn’t rip off her customers or lie in her ad… but she doesn’t… shitty service, horrible attitude, misrepresentation in the ad. Do not see this provider!

  added by  cr... for   on 25 martie 2018

dezamagit, este blonda, are forme, dar nu este cea din poza. la pozitii esti limitat,,, numai cum doreste domnisoara

  added by  ti... for  Anna on 06 aprilie 2017

Confirm si eu, nu este cea din poze, este maslinie, poze furate. Evitati aceasta curva ordinara …

  added by  Cl... for  Anna on 26 ianuarie 2017

O domnisoara tânăra , frumoasa si comunicativă . Am petrecut câteva ore in compania ei si m-am simtit extraordinar , arată chiar mai bine decat in poze lucru ce m-a surprins . Pretul este putin cam piperat dar cine doreste calitate si o companie plăcută poate face un efort .

  added by  De... for  Anna on 20 decembrie 2016

Zdreanță nu este ce din poze , este o Țiganca jegoasa cu peste in casa !!!
A furat pozele alei escorte !!

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