
Mistress Lilith

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Mistress Lilith
Mistress Lilith
Mistress Lilith


42 year old Woman | Femeie din Sector 1, Bucuresti, Romania
Mistress (Herrin) Lilith

BDSM-ul este un stil de viata pentru mine, nu doar o profesie pe care o fac cu drag si dedicatie.
Iubesc fetish-ul, lucrurile kinky, tot ce e erotic si stimuleaza simturile placerii.
Imi plac jocurile mintii, erotice, imi place ball busting, forced orgasm, anal play, CBT, face sitting, slapping, tease&denial, bondage, role/domination play,etc. Imi place sa te seduc si sa te tin in acea intensa placere peste limite.
The One and Only Mistress in town comes to Constanta to wet your dreams and bed and make your spirits high for as long your attention is mine.
Trained in UK and Germany , I came to my other home to rest, have fun and bust some balls.
Nice to see handsome men on the streets again! :)
BDSM is a lifestyle for me, making it a pro activity came naturally therefore I enjoy every second and I can make our sessions together to have same intensity rather for an hour or for all night of play.
Fur alle meine deutschen Besucher: Willkommen in Constanta und Ich hoffe, Du findes den Platz freundlich..
Wenn Du mit den erotischen Delikatessen Berlins vertraut bist, hast Du mit mich wahrscheinlich schon getroffen. Ich war ein Teil der besten Dominostudios dort, aber jetzt kam Ich für eine Weile, um meinen Charme und Knicks mit anderen Menschen zu teilen. Lass eine Linie fallen und lass uns zusammen knicken! :)


Pentru ca telefonul meu suna mai mult ca al lui Trump, daca nu ma prindeti, imi scrieti mesaj SMS sau email in care imi spuneti cand si unde puteti sa ne vedem.

Escorta rating
7 reviews

Contact info:

Zona | Zone:Sector 1
City | Oras:Bucuresti
Country | Tara:Romania
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Outcall - la tine
1 hour150 EUR


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  added by  da... for Mistress Lilith on 01 noiembrie 2018

Lovely woman, pity you are so far dear

  added by  Ar... for Mistress Lilith on 06 octombrie 2018

Amazing and beyond imagination. unforgettable lady and experience

  added by  Ce... for Mistress Lilith on 24 septembrie 2018 encanto nuestra sesion al aire libre,,,linda mia..

  added by  Fr... for Mistress Lilith on 14 septembrie 2018

Ich kam aus Bukarest zu sehen, starke prasenz sie ist!

  added by  Se... for Mistress Lilith on 14 septembrie 2018

Foarte greu sa dau de ea! Am sunat de vreo 5 ori in trei zile,ne-am intalnit apoi. Frate, a meritat. Nu se f>> tipa dar iti f** creierii,io zic ca mai vin.Cand am bani,lol

  added by  Pa... for Mistress Lilith on 11 septembrie 2018

See you again in October,Mistress!! Amazing experience.

  added by  Cl... for Mistress Lilith on 20 iunie 2018

Demult asteptam o bunaciune care sa si stie treaba.Bravo,fata!

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